My Next Book Review . . . Almost Finished

I’m finishing up In The Neighborhood of True by Susan Kaplan Carlton, definitely my favorite book right now. I’m really drawn to the main character, because in many ways she’s flawed, yet she’s also an amazing person. I’m really excited to do another book review, and this book is similar to the last book, a book about social justice and staying true to yourself. Both books have the similar theme of finding your voice and standing up for the right thing. However, there are some main differences between The Hate U Give and In the Neighborhood of True. This new book is set in the 1950’s, rather than modern day, so it can be hard to put yourself into the mindset of another time period. This book also focuses on experiences of a young Jewish girl who  moves into a very antisemitic Southern town, versus the experiences of a young African American girl in the Hate U Give dealing with issues of racism as she moves between the Black Community where she lives and her mostly white school. Both of these books address very real issues of hatred, in different ways, that have been and still are part of young people’s lives.  I hope you are looking forward to my final review of In the Neighborhood of True as much as I have enjoyed reading this powerful book.


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