Sarah Grimke – Advocate for Women’s Rights and African American Rights

Lately I’ve been researching Sarah Grimke and her sister Angelina. I was shocked to find out that Sarah, who wrote and spoke out strongly against slavery, grew up in a place surrounded by slavery. After some more digging I found out that when Sarah was a little girl she saw her Dad whip a slave girl. Little Sarah knew that what she saw was wrong, even though it was the way of life all around her. I  know that rebelling against your parents isn’t exactly uncommon, but often on important issues you’ll follow their lead. Yet, Sarah Grimke held onto her deep feelings against slavery. larger

3 thoughts on “Sarah Grimke – Advocate for Women’s Rights and African American Rights

  1. It is amazing that Sara at such a young age she new wrong from right. Also check out this book called Not One Damsel In Distress collected and told by Jane Yolen.


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